祝贺你! You finally found the house or car of your dreams, and now it is time to put a down payment on it. 当你为你的首付款存钱时, make sure to give yourself plenty of time and get creative with saving solutions, 因为这会让你的目标更容易实现. Below are four tips to start saving for a down payment and turning your dreams into a reality!

  1. 取消那些你不需要的订阅. In the age of streaming, we pay for lots of services, some of which we might not even use. Go through your monthly subscriptions and get rid of the ones that you think you could do without. 通过取消这些每月订阅, you are saving some money that could go towards a down payment.

  2. 卖掉你的旧物品. There is a good chance that you have at least $100 worth of items laying around your house that you do not use. To make some easy money, sell those items on sites such as 脸谱网 Marketplace or Poshmark. Not only will you earn money towards your savings and down payment, 但你也会摆脱你的旧垃圾!

  3. 制定预算计划. If you have a specific thing you want or an idea of how much something would cost, 清点你的开支, and make a game plan for how you are going to save for it. You can do this the old-fashioned way with pen and paper, or you can use Arbor's 个人理财经理 在网上加拿大28软件创建一个预算. If you have a plan for how you are going to save for a down payment, you are more likely to do so.

  4. Put a little bit of each paycheck towards your savings. Every time you get paid, set a specific amount aside to put towards saving for a down payment. Arbor Financial offers video courses with helpful information on building savings and more. 如果你开始得早, you will have plenty of money saved up to make those big purchases a piece of cake!

When it comes to needing a down payment, Arbor Financial Credit Union is here to help. 在我们的网站上,你可以找到各种各样的 金融计算器 看看你每个月要还多少钱. Not only is our website designed to make the financial processes more effortless, but our friendly staff is also always here to help and answer any questions you may have. 使用这些建议开始储蓄,今天就能得到更多!


财务管理及资源 , 储蓄 , 预算 , 贷款