It’s a safe bet that parts of the most recent tax reforms left you a little — or very — perplexed. 如果是这样的话,你并不孤单. 一项调查显示,77%的受访者对新税法感到困惑. The confusion is understandable — there are a lot of moving parts when it comes to any tax changes.


tutbotax is always up to date with the latest forms and 100% accurate calculations. 与tutbotax, you can file your taxes with complete confidence – and get your biggest possible refund, 保证. 而且,作为信用合作社的成员,你可以 最多节省15美元 关于tutbotax联邦产品. 点击这里进入tutbotax和您的储蓄!

以帮助澄清混乱, Arbor Financial Credit Union has provided the top 5 tax reform changes you should know:

1. 降低税率和改变收入范围

The seven tax brackets found in the former law remain, but a number of tax rates are lower. 适用税率的收入门槛也发生了变化.

  • 前几档分别是:10%、15%、25%、28%、33%、35%和39%.6%

  • 新的税率为:10%、12%、22%、24%、32%、35%和37%

The 收入 thresholds at which these brackets kick in change for single and married joint filers, 也.



These changes make this as good a time as any to examine deductions that can place you in a lower tax bracket and lighten your tax load. 可用的选择包括爱尔兰共和军、529计划、HSA或类似的策略.

2. 个人和家庭税收减免

新税法将标准扣除额提高了近一倍. 单个纳税人的标准扣除额从6美元跃升,从2017年的350美元降至12美元,2018年的税(2019年提交的税). Married couples filing jointly see an increase from $12,700 to $24,000. 这些增长意味着更少的人将不得不逐项登记. 如今,大约30%的纳税人逐项纳税. 根据新的法律,这一比例预计会下降.

For families with children the Child Tax Credit doubles from $1,000 per child to $2,000. 此外,可退还的数额从1 100美元增加到1 400美元. The bill adds a new, non-refundable credit of $500 for dependents other than children. 最后, it raises the 收入 threshold at which these benefits phase out from $110,对已婚夫妇来说,从000美元到400美元,000.

当父母为孩子的教育存钱时, 现有的信息表明,他们的储蓄还不够. An increase in the Child Tax Credit translates to an opportunity to increase such funds via a 529 plan. Doing so effectively increases the credit since 529 plan funds are tax deferred (and are completely tax free if used for qualified education expenses). If you’re a parent wandering the maze of education costs and funding solutions, this approach makes for an outstanding reinvestment opportunity and is something worth careful consideration.

3. 取消或减少扣除

The bill eliminates the personal and dependent exemptions which were $4,2017年为0.50美元,预计将增至4美元,150 in 2018.

该法案限制了州和地方财产的数额, 收入, 销售税可以减到10美元,000. 在过去,这些税通常是完全免税的. The bill also caps the amount of mortgage indebtedness on new home purchases on which interest can be deducted at $750,000, 从1美元下降,000,现行法律规定的000.
The bill eliminates the tax penalty for not having health insurance after December 31, 2018. It also temporarily lowers the floor above which out-of-pocket medical expenses can be deducted from the former law floor of 10% to 7.2017年和2018年为5%. 所以2017年和2018年,医疗费用大于7.5% of adjusted gross 收入 can be deducted as opposed to the higher 10%.

4. 增加替代性最低免税额

The bill eases the burden of the individual alternative minimum tax (AMT) by raising the 收入 exempted:

  • From $84,500 (adjusted for inflation) to $109,400 for married couples filing jointly

  • 单个纳税人从54300美元(经通货膨胀调整)减至70300美元


AMT豁免最初没有与通货膨胀挂钩, which meant an increasing number of taxpayers qualified for the tax (since their wages increased). 

5. 小企业的淘汰和削减

Self-employed (contractors, freelancers, sole proprietors) and small businesses:
该法案对商业有无数的改变. 最大的改革包括将最高企业税率降至21%, a new 20% deduction for 收入s from certain type of “pass-through” entities (partnerships, 年代队, 独资企业), 对借款利息支出的限制, almost doubling of the amount small businesses can expense from the 2017 Section 179 amount of $510,000 to $1,000,000, 并取消公司替代性最低税(AMT)。.

别担心要背新税法, tutbotax has you covered and will be up to date with the latest forms and 100% accurate calculations. AND,你可以 最多节省15美元 on tutbotax 联邦产品. 当你准备好申请时, 按此进入 tutbotax 还有你的积蓄!
