免费的钱 to finance your college expenses…that’s exactly what a college scholarship 适合你吗?!

飙升的大学学费使奖学金成为规划过程中必不可少的一部分, 到目前为止,你可能已经被高中辅导员鼓励开始申请它们了. But they do take time, and time is money. Consider this: most college scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000, and if you spend 4 hours working on an essay, and win a college scholarship worth $2,000, that works out to $500 per hour of your time. Not a bad deal, right?

阿伯金融 wants you to win, 所以我们整理了一些技巧来分享,可以增加你的论文和赢得奖学金的几率!

1.  校对. 校对是必不可少的,以创造一个强大的和获胜的文章. When proofreading, you should not only check for correct grammar, 标点符号, 和拼写, but also to ensure completeness, 精度, and flow of content. 让一个成年人或朋友来阅读你的最后一篇文章总是明智的, review for correctness, and to provide feedback to help you improve the essay.

2.  Make it personal and be honest.  一些最好的文章是发自内心的,同时分享了一个关于作者生活或经历的引人入胜的故事. 通过使文章个性化,你也使它变得重要和令人难忘. 记住,不要写你认为应该写的东西,而要写你感兴趣的东西. 当你诚实时,读者会感觉到,当你分享诚实的故事时,他们会与你建立更私人、更真诚的联系.

3.  Beat the deadline. You’ve probably heard this a thousand times by now. 等到最后一分钟才写和提交论文是很诱人的. But by waiting until the last minute, you minimize your time to proofread thoroughly, to ask others to proofread, to receive feedback, and to incorporate feedback into your essay. 拖延会让你处于匆忙完成任务的状态, setting yourself up for silly mistakes that could cost you, 或者简单的格式错误可能会让你被取消资格. 为自己的成功做好准备,给自己足够的时间来写一篇成功的文章——在截止日期之前!

4.  Grab the reader’s attention. 用一个引人注目的句子开始你的文章,并设定场景.  这是你吸引读者注意的机会. 吸引注意力的一些方法包括提出问题、使用情感、做出大胆的陈述. 吸引读者是很重要的,这样他们才能在你的文章中保持专注.

5.  Repurpose your essay.  不要觉得你必须为每一项奖学金都写一篇新的论文, but don’t just re-use the same essay either. 相反,重新调整文章的用途,并修改它以适应几个奖学金主题. This will save a lot of time.

6.  Follow the essay instructions.  Every scholarship will have specific instructions, and if you are in scholarship applying mode, this means really paying attention to details. 严格按照说明去做是很重要的, 否则, just like in real life, you could be disqualified before you even begin. You’re too smart for that!

7.  Stay within the word count. 由于字数统计,太多的资金可能会被取消资格. 你可能需要详细阐述某些观点,或者另一方面,你可能需要更简洁的写作. 无论哪种方式, 检查最后的字数,确保你在发送文章之前在这个范围内.

8.  Stay focused on the topic.  To help you stay on topic, try writing a thesis statement. 一篇好的论文应该是简洁的,并提供文章的主要观点. It will be the central idea to communicate to the reader. Ask yourself, what is the point of my essay? Answer this in one sentence, and that can be your thesis.

Scholarships are abundant, and here at 阿伯金融我们将向密歇根州的高三学生颁发12份2000美元的奖学金. We believe strongly in the value of higher education, 并自豪地通过我们的 Community Scholarship Program. You can also find and take full advantage of many other available scholarships right here in 卡拉马祖 County.

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