节日是欢乐、团聚和慷慨的季节. 这是我们与所爱的人交换礼物的时候, 用节日的彩灯装饰我们的家, 创造永恒的记忆. 但假期也可能是开支增加的时候, from buying presents to hosting family gatherings and 旅行ing to visit friends and family. Using a rewards credit card could help you relax and take some pressure off this holiday season while also getting more while spending.


One of the most significant benefits of using a rewards credit card during the holidays is the opportunity to 获得有价值的奖励. Most rewards credit cards offer cashback, points, or miles for every dollar spent. 把你的假日购物记在你的奖励卡上, you can accumulate rewards that can be used for future expenses or gifts. This can help offset the cost of holiday spending and provide you with a little extra financial cushion as you start the new year. Here at Arbor Financial our rewards credit card allows you to earn 3x points on restaurants and 旅行, 食品杂货2分 & 气体,其他都是1x点. Rewards can be redeemed easily online for 旅行 bonuses or other exciting items.



在节日购物高峰期买礼物的时候, 总会有遇到欺诈等问题的风险, 损坏的货物, 或者运输事故. Most rewards credit cards offer purchase protection and extended warranty coverage, 让你在购物时安心. 以防万一出了什么差错, your credit card company can help resolve these issues and protect your hard-earned money. 在阿伯,我们的名片都是自带的 Visa的零责任保障*,您的信用卡信息会印在您的信用卡背面. 你也可以把你的卡加到你的 电子钱包 为增加自来水支付安全.


Many rewards credit cards have partnerships with retailers and offer exclusive discounts or special offers during the holiday season. These deals can range from discounts on gifts to cashback on specific categories, 比如吃饭, 旅行, 或者网上购物. 利用这些特别的促销活动, 你可以省钱,使你的假期预算进一步扩大. Here at Arbor, we often run targeted special programs to help you GET MORE with your credit card.


If you plan to 旅行 during the holidays to visit family or enjoy a winter getaway, 使用旅游奖励信用卡尤其有利. 旅行奖励卡通常提供免费托运行李等福利, 机场贵宾室通道, 还有旅游保险, which can enhance your overall 旅行 experience and help you save on expenses. Arbor offers 3x reward points on Travel and you can redeem your rewards for exciting 旅行 offers to help you save on future trips.


Using a rewards credit card can simplify your holiday spending and help you stick to your budget. Most credit card companies provide online tools and apps that allow you to track your expenses in real-time. 你可以设置支出限制,并在接近限额时收到提醒, making it easier to manage your finances during this hectic time of year. 看看Arbor金融卡控制应用程序 to learn how you can simplify your budget and make your holiday banking easier.


Regularly using your rewards credit card and making on-time payments can have a positive impact on your credit history. A strong credit score can lead to better financial opportunities in the future, 比如降低贷款利率, 更高的信用额度, 还能获得奖励更丰厚的高级信用卡. 想了解更多关于如何增加和管理你的信用? 下载我们的信用评分指南, or 注册一对一的信用评估 我们的一位信贷专家.

Using your rewards credit card during the holidays is a wise financial decision that can help you save money, 获得有价值的奖励, and enjoy added conveniences and protections while shopping and 旅行ing. 然而, it's essential to use your credit card responsibly and not accumulate more debt than you can afford to pay off. 负责任地使用, 你的奖励信用卡真的可以提升你的假期, 让它更愉快,更无压力.



* Visa's Zero Liability Policy does not apply to certain commercial card and anonymous prepaid card transactions or transactions not processed by Visa. Cardholders must use care in protecting their card and notify their issuing financial institution immediately of any unauthorized use.

